I have recently been researching moving companies in Chongqing. For short moves within a reasonable distance this is the most affordable moving company in the city. One cannot walk down the streets of Chongqing without seeing this large workforce trudging through the streets carrying loads across their shoulders or along their backs. If you are in need of a moving company for a short move I recommend contacting a member of what is affectionately known in Chongqing as the Bang-Bang Army.
Every year 8.5 million rural Chinese move into the cities and many come to Chongqing to find work. A large number of those who come form the 100,000+ Bang-Bang Army. Bang-Bang men, pronounced bongbong, which literally translates to stick stick men have been around since the early years in Chongqing. Originally the Bang-Bang men were used to used to carry water from the Jia Ling River to the city center, but as they city industrialized they became porters around the bus and train stations carrying their loads up the steep slopes of Chongqing.
Today you can still find Bang Bang men throughout the city. This work force is very unique to Chongqing as the undulating characteristics of the city are not ideal for bicycle transport that other Chinese cities use to transport goods. Throughout the years the Bang-Bang men of Chongqing began to gain the respect of the local community. Although they are generally uneducated rural workers they still play a large role in Chongqing’s development. Without the Bang-Bang Army the transportation of goods throughout the city would become a nightmare.
For those rural citizens who come to Chongqing to work they are able to purchase a sturdy bamboo pole and the nylon rope used to carry the loads for less than 10Rmb and then they are able to start their day, which lasts from the early morning straight through until the evening when there is no more work to be done. The life of a Bang-Bang man is not easy, but conditions are improving as government subsidies, as well as private corporations, are providing affordable housing and education to allow the workers to become better assimilated into city life.
For short moves I recommend using the Bang-Bang Army Moving Corporation. Simply yell out BANGBANG and sure enough a representative will come running to your aid. The prices vary from 1Rmb to 20Rmb depending on the size of the load and the distance it needs to be carried. Astute haggling tactics will be needed, but if you feel the price is too high simply find another Bang-Bang man that is willing to do it for your price. I recently hired a member of the Bang-Bang Army to help me carry two large crates for 15kuai, which would have taken me the entire afternoon taking one at a time in a taxi. The Bang-Bang man did the trip with both crates in one hour.
Not a bad way to get things moved!
Without the help of the Bang-Bang men Chongqing’s development may not slow down to a halt, but it would definitely be stunted. The Bang-Bang Army plays a key role in Chongqing’s growth and is a symbol of Chongqing’s rapid development and determination to get ahead.
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